Lauren – July 2015, Atlanta


lala6sm1When I learned that I was going to (finally) have a day off from my never-ending cycle of work and school, I knew if I stayed home I was going to spend it sleeping. In an effort to actually do something with my time I immediately decided to contact my friend Lauren (who happens to be an amazing photographer herself) about going out to shoot. While I had no plan or location in mind, I knew a day of shooting was what I needed to get out of my creative rut.

Thankfully she said yes and we ended up in downtown Atlanta for the morning. I’m a big fan of the benefits of being a tourist in your own town. I think being able to look at the place you might have grown tired of from different eyes can help you appreciate it more, and that’s definitely what happened while exploring with Lauren.


From her apprehensiveness to the Lauren3admittedly scary 47-story elevator in the Marriott to the excitement of being able to see Stone Mountain in the distance from the top, this photo trip was exactly what I needed to get a refreshing view of my city. Almost like a stay-cation in a day, it was a great break from the routine of school and work that I’ve been caught up in.

We only got to spend about an hour downtown, mostly exploring through the hotels and a favorite old parking deck of mine. After we realized my parking meter had expired (we got to it before ParkAtlanta thankfully!) we took a quick trip up to the 10th Street entrance of the Beltline for a few quick photos before heading back home.

Be sure to check out Lauren’s photos from our day when she posts them!


Lauren’s Website / Facebook / Instagram