A Trip To High Falls

highfalls_5_resizedMy family took a short (and not very well-planned trip) to High Falls State Park here in Georgia today. It was more to get our minds off of something than checking something off a bucket list. The park itself though was beautiful.

We didn’t bring swimsuits and barely remembered to bring sun screen so we weren’t well equipped to actually go in the water. My brother and I waded in anyway, but I didn’t make it very far. The rocks were pretty slippery and I don’t have the best balance so I kept to the shallow water and mostly flailed a lot.


There were exceptionally brave children and adults that were using the Falls like slides. Maybe if I had been in a swimsuit and had an ounce of confidence in my ability to not drown I would have done it. Still it was nice to just sit back and watch everything.

There was a woman there who was just holding a bird for the entire hour or so that we were there. My parents spoke to her for a short time and apparently the bird just wouldn’t leave her hand. It looked young but didn’t seem injured. She’d dip it down to the water and it’d drink and then just go back to sitting on her hand.



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