Lions, Tigers, + Pandas! Oh my!

Lun Lun the giant panda

Can I just continue to use review titles for my blog titles or….?

This week was my fourth week with the company, which means I’ve been here for a full month now. That’s 1/4 of my internship over, which is kind of insane. This week was a lot of office work and handling social media posts. I did a few different research programs and got to sit in on project meetings.

Reko the green parrot

Because of the heat and how busy I was in the office this week, I actually didn’t get to take any new photos this week (other than a few I took just before going home today – but they didn’t turn out). I did get to go to the talent show for the Safari Day Camp session this week, though. It was adorable and strange to think that I was once one of those camp members. I always wonder what 9 year old me would have thought if you told her that I would be working as an intern for the Zoo when I was older.

This was my last week of my current schedule because next week my classes start. I’m taking three classes this summer through Georgia State, and I’m a little worried with how much work it’s going to add onto my workload already. I’m sure I’ll be able to handle it, but I probably won’t be able to sleep as much as I am now.

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